Sophist's Choice

A place for my random and concentrated thoughts on life or any thing not addressed in my other dedicated blogs.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Limit's to God's mercy?

Those who believe in God (and especially many who don't) rely heavily on His mercy. We call Him a merciful God. In fact, many who reject God or the need for Jesus as Savior and Lord, point to the seeming paradox of a merciful God sending anyone to Hell (well, except for people like Hitler, but we wont get into the questions that raises).

So what's the solution to the paradox? Is God merciful? Is He not? What is mercy?

I wrote a song a long while back based on a verse I had read that really stood out to me on this question which actually prompted the question and gave a startling answer in one fell swoop. I don't remember which verse it was (though I'm sure I have it noted somewhere), but the lyric I wrote was this:

He will have mercy on those who honor Him
He will have mercy on those who respect Him
He will have mercy on those who depart from evil
And live to do His Word

Take a look at these verses below and see how close you think I got and what you think they say about God.

To whom shown: Ex 33:19; 20:6 (also Det 5:10; 7:9; Neh 1:5; Ps 25:10); Ps 32:10; 33:18, 22; 62:12 (paradox?); 86:5; 103:11, 17; Pr 28:13; Isa 27:11; 55:7; Dan 9:4; Hos 10:12

Refusing: Jer 13:14; Hos 1:6; 2:4

Something (besides forgiveness) for which mercy has been sought: Ps 119:124.

A favorite, poetic verse on: Ps 85:10.

So, all of that is (many might, perhaps not inaccurately, quibble) Old Testament, old "covenant". One thing many non-students/followers of God (even if they are believers) might not understand that is absolutely vital is that God (as I think these verses help reveal) is, before being a merciful God, is a God of covenant. He didn't just "pick" Abraham, he made a covenant with him. I wont explore this concept here, but it is well worth your study if you have never been introduced to it.

Back on track, though, where does that leave the New Testament and the work of Jesus? That is a very important wrinkle which I hope to address later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look forward to your thoughts on the New Testament work of Jesus.

Any take on mercy vs grace?

5:36 PM  
Blogger Chris Huston said...

Hey, hey, april k (snazzy rhyme), thanks for the comment and question. To be honest, I hadn't yet thought about your very intriguing competition: mercy vs. grace. I shall have to look into it. What knowledge I have of it now, the latter is far more visible in New Testament wrtings, while mercy dominates the Old. Grace has to do with how God looks at and treats us through Jesus' work, while mercy was his necessary "dispenation", if you like, before Jesus.

The so-called "dispensation of Grace", which we are currently under, through Jesus, is the only dispensation I'm aware of. I have to admit ignorance of the labels and times of the other dispensations, though it wouldn't surprise me to find there was a dispensation of mercy.

6:31 PM  

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