Sophist's Choice

A place for my random and concentrated thoughts on life or any thing not addressed in my other dedicated blogs.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Brummie or Liverpudlian?

If you're a fan of The Simpsons, then you probably have come across an episode or two where you would have seen Homer staring at a doughnut or box thereof and then going slightly comatose, drool forming at his mouth and uttering the word "doughnut" (though he probably says "donut") in that hypnotized voice that suggests he imagines himself at the Pearly Gates.

Well, I run across things from time to time which provoke from me a similar reaction. Here is one such of those things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had found that page when I did The Dresser a couple of years ago. You have no idea how hard it was to find usable examples of a Welsh accent online back then. :)

6:00 AM  

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